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A prosperous sign perhaps?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012  at 11:45 AM
I've always wondered what would happen if an actual rainforest was made in the area - what type of birds would find it attractive. As if approving of my idea I saw my first white coloured eagle/hawk/kite two days in a row that I hadn't seen in a long time circling the entire area and neighbourhood. I had planted 8 trees and shrubs (out of the 50 or so plants) at that time.

Nothing birds have so far taken an interest in the trees and shrubs that are being planted yet. I guess that is because the seedlings are shorter than the surrounding grass. When the plants start to grow maybe birds will be interested in them.

I have not started planting any trees in the actual rainforest area yet. I'm waiting to see if I can buy all the trees/shrubs/groundcovers/etc online, as seeds or plants. Whilst foraging through Carol's garden I found a climbing vine plant that I will eventually get seed from to add to the rainforest. I also found a self-sown seedling of a tree that was small enough to transplant into a pot. It will be one of the first trees I'll be adding to the rainforest. I found both the seedling and vine growing underneath gum trees in the shade.

I was actually foraging though the undergrowth of the gum trees to find a suitable fallen gum tree branch to turn into a bird feeder but my creativity levels is less than zero these days so I gave up on that idea. I'm actually going to make a bird feeder out of a pedastool fan that decided to malfunction last night. It will have a roof and everything.

I am really looking forward to the day when I can actually begin planting out the empty paddock with trees. But first I have to stabilize the creek bank areas and slowly plant trees, etc up to the rainforest area. The paddock will contain the bulk of the rainforest whilst the creek areas will build up to the rainforest plants with similiar plant species.

At the moment I am trying to find ways to create tree guards for the plants I have already planted out. I think I might start buying one litres of milk rather than the 3 litres of milk, just so I can recycle the containers as tree guards. I'm going to use bamboo or just normal sticks to hold the milk cartons in place.

Hopefully I'll have some photos to add of the revegetation project soon.


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This is a blog about the man-made construction of the privately owned Bangor Rainforest in Tenterfield, NSW Australia.

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