Having been sick for nearly 2 weeks after my lasting posting I finally was well enough to plant some more trees and bushes today. I decided to plant more trees down the other end of the creek close to where the Eastern Water Dragons are usually located. There was way too much talking going on and not enough planting happening but at least I got some work done today. I was really surprised by how much the tree roots had grown that were still in the containers and to see new growth on the plants I had already planted in the ground. I really have to pick up my speed at planting these 50 trees/shrubs up because the 40 I bought from the ERA Nursery have started growing roots outside their little containers and are a bit hard to get them out. With a bit of patience I'm getting them out, one by one. On Friday, 7th December, I'm expecting 40 more trees/shrubs from the ERA Nursey.
The hardest part to planting all these plants is the initial hard work of digging the holes and then hand watering them. I'm now using a pick to speed things up. I'm carrying a bucketful of water at a time from the creek, less than 50 metres away, but it is an all uphill climb which is slightly steep. I added handmade tree guards to the plants as well but finding the right sort of sticks was difficult. I really have to search hard for the right sort of stick. Can't have them snapping in half too easily otherwise it would be pointless using them as sticks to hold the tree guards around the tree in the first place.
The really good thing I've found doing all this tree planting is I sleep better at night, especially getting to sleep. I don't toss and turn for hours on end before I fall asleep now. I fall asleep pretty much straight away - within a few minutes actually, as my body is too exhausted to toss and turn. However, tree planting and carrying bucketfuls of water kills my back. It's a small sacrifice to pay for actually falling asleep pretty much straight away. Besides, my back feels much better after a good nights' sleep.
I'll post some photos of my progress in a few days as it was too dark to take photos by the time I finished tonight. I started around 4PM and finshed when the last rays of sunlight (from the sun) were visible just before it started getting dark. I wanted to plant just one more tree but I was too exhausted. I'm going to start tree planting much earlier than 4PM tomorrow, to see if I can get most of the remaining trees and shrubs planted. I really want to plant out the remaining 5 Flooded Gums and the other Eucalypts before Friday comes.
One thing I do know for certain is I will need a lot more than 100 trees and shrubs to plant along the creek bank. I will also need a huge concentration of plants just at the junction of where the two parts of the creek merge at the corner. The creek bends to the left but coming from the right and which merges into the creek is another runoff area that comes from the Tenterfield Dam. That area and down toward the Douglas Street bridge receives the higest water flow speed in the immediate area. That stretch of the Tenterfield Creek needs a lot more vegetation than other parts of the creek adjacent to Carol's property.
FOOTNOTE: Before I got sick about 3 weeks ago I planted 8 of the original 40 trees and shrubs. Why I didn't mention it here I do not know. A total of 18 out of 40 plants have now been planted along the creek.
Posted by
Shirley E Hardy
flora planted today
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