The plum tree runners are the tall light green plants in the foreground in this picture. |
Why grow plum trees in a rain forest? Well, why not. They are very easy to contain even though they spread via runners. If you don't want anymore plum trees in the rain forest you simply break the runner plant and it will not grow back. You have to do that every year though otherwise you'll end up with a dense forest of plum trees.
The plum tree has many advantages over other deciduous trees, I reckon. Firstly it is one of the best shade trees in Summer whereby it actually cools the ground underneath the tree. In summer time it gets awfully hot here in Tenterfield. Underneath a well grown plum tree it is at least 10 degrees cooler than in the hot sun. Australian Magpies seem to appreciate the shade underneath the plum tree in Summer and actually spend a lot of time in it's shade. Secondly, it makes for a great lower canopy tree. It will grow in full sun or part shade. It may also grow in full shade. Thirdly, it produces blossom or nectar within the flowers which is eaten by honeyeaters as well as Noisy Miners which then turns into fruit which some of the larger birds eat.
The species of plum tree in my garden thrives in a frost hollow. That is important because I know it will survive much closer to the Tenterfield Creek as it does at my place.
My theory is to plant trees and shrubs in close proximity to one another, allowing for gaps in the trees so people and animals can walk, run through the area. The only exception will be the Short-leaved Fig trees which I will space out so they can grow to their full height and width. I have no real plan or design planned out for the construction of this rainforest. It is a huge area to cover with plants but I have to start somewhere.
The main idea is to get any trees or plants planted in the ground as soon as possible. Fog tends to linger around the area where I intend to grow the rain forest, so I want to maximise that effect by having the fog trapped by the flora near the creek itself. By the plants catching the fog and absorbing the moisture from the fog the entire area can only get more rain forest like with time. The fog will eventually create a more abundant and rich rainforest habitat once all the plants and trees are established, as fog occurs frequently here in Tenterfield. Even though the Bangor Rainforest will only cover a very small area, it will eventually contain, if I live long enough to see it, an abundant assortment of wildlife species.
These next few months I can only hope that the plum tree runners will survive and start growing taller. I have already lost two of them. Any that survive will be a miracle.
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