Last Monday my order for 40 plants went through and the plants were shipped out to me. I now need to find suitable locations for each plant. The planting of these seedlings will not yet occur for another week as they have been in a box for the passed 4 days, and probably under shade cloth before then. I need to acclimatise them to our local weather. Fortunately it is now cloudy and is raining on and off. This is good to help me dig holes in the ground to plant the trees and shrubs as the ground will be wet.
Yesterday I bought some plants from the local hardware store which I actually forgot about (that they sold plants). I mostly bought Grevilleas but I did manage to find one Eucalyptus tree amongst all their plants, and it was a Crimson Mallee. I have no idea where to plant the Crimson Mallee at this point in time. The plants I bought yesterday were all under shade cloth so I'm acclimatising them to the weather at the moment.
Tomorrow I will begin rebuilding part of the creek bank that has severely eroded away. Every time it rains heavily here the bank erodes a little bit more. The dirt is exposed now in places along one section of the slope.
I don't have any money to buy stuff to prevent the soil eroding away, like cloth or cement to make a retaining wall. So what I plan on doing is simply reshape the creek bank with a shovelfuls of sand from the creek itself and plant low shrubs outward away from the edge of the creek. As I do this I will gradually add more sand from the creek bed to backfill the slope. I'll be using the plants that I have already bought and that should stabilise the creek bank in that location of the Tenterfield Creek. I intend to rebuild the bank from the bottom upwards, slowly backfilling the bank to make it slope downward rather than suddenly drop downward like a cliff. Starting at the water's edge (if any exists by tomorrow in that spot) I'll slightly deepen the creek and put the sand up on the creek bank and hold it all together with plants and grass. I'll dig some large chunks of grass up from other parts of the property/creek and try and get the grass established as the plants grow, then I'll separate the grass once the plants are bigger to do another section of the creek.
I know this all sounds backward but in my head, in theory, it should work. Its worth a try because Carol is slowly losing her property's land due to water erosion.
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