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Bangor Rainforest construction abandoned

Thursday, August 13, 2015  at 8:26 PM 0 comments
The attempt at creating a rainforest on the Bangor property has been cancelled due to new people moving into the property and the introduction of cows and sheep to the paddock in question. My hands are officially tied and I have had to cease all planting activity approximately 2 years ago. The new people who moved in had other ideas for the paddock. As a result the entire property, now minus at least 3-4 large trees and reduced amounts of underbrush, has become hotter and drier. With the invasion of more snakes, including migrating Tiger snakes that have set up home on the property, at the going rate of progress, the habitat of Bangor will continuously decline to one of a hot, dry habitat.

With that said and done, I am now focusing my attention on my own garden and trying to create a subtropical garden but on a much smaller scale. I have a blog just for that here.
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This is a blog about the man-made construction of the privately owned Bangor Rainforest in Tenterfield, NSW Australia.

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